New Beginnings: Take Care of You

Most people make resolutions to take care of themselves at the start of a new year. They want to exercise, lose weight, travel more, to be more positive, to feel more gratitude or any number of things.

And this year  (2020) has been anything but normal in the way we do things. You may have started the year with a boatload of resolutions you wanted to achieve this year, especially now that you have the freedom that comes from being an empty nester.

But then with Covid-19, layoffs, working from home, or any of the other setbacks from this year you’re resolutions have most likely jumped ship.

Heck, my resolutions completely abandoned me. I became the homeschool, grandma-teacher, the sole income earner in the household, the household manager, cook, and caregiver for a disabled spouse whose routine knee replacement surgery took a bad turn for the worse.

My days have been so filled with every other need, my resolutions to lose weight, travel, and connect with others no longer became a priority. Who had time anyway? But our resolutions, our goals, our desires should be a part of every day, no matter what we are facing.

That’s why I believe any time of the year is the time to begin taking care of you. With small steps every day you can begin changing the bad habits or the things you want to improve easier. Then by the time the new year comes, those resolutions you’ve been promising yourself for years will have already been started.

Right now, this minute is the perfect time to begin taking care of you. I’m ready, are you?

What little thing can you begin doing today to start on your journey to better well-being? 

Is it changing your way of thinking? Your mindset is a powerful tool in how you feel and be each day. This is something I’ve been focusing on changing in my own life for a while now. I grew up in a home of negative thinkers so I’m naturally going to think the worst first. But I’ve been training myself to look at the positive in situations.

Having positive thoughts helps you remain confident and upbeat. A negative thought drags you down, keeps you from taking action and shows you the worst side of something.

I know life changes can be stressful and sometimes it’s easier to pretend they aren’t happening. I talked a little about how to deal with life changes in this post

One way to have a healthy mindset is to say affirmations daily.

I use several throughout the day when I find myself worrying or being hard on myself. They only take a couple of minutes of your time but can have a big impact on how you feel.

Of course, they don’t work instantly. It’s one of those everyday things you have to do, like exercise,  that works over time.

It’s not always easy to remember to step back from worrying thoughts. Sometimes you might find yourself worrying so much you can’t see the positive side. When this happens, it’s a good idea to take a few minutes to breathe deeply and clear your mind. This helps you break the negative thought pattern and allows in a calmer perspective.

Here are a few other ways to begin doing today for a better you.

  1. Go for a short walk. Even a short 10-minute walk helps your body by moving.
  2. Stop trying to be perfect.  No one is. As the saying goes, if something isn’t exactly as you wanted when planning your party, who will know?

    The same goes in life. Who is going to know if you don’t dust under the china cabinet? No one should expect you to be perfect. It’s not realistic.

  3. Create pleasant surroundings. Pleasing sights, sounds and aromas help reduce tension. Clear the clutter to feel less scattered and distracted. Open a window to let in some fresh air. Set a bouquet of fresh flowers on a table. Bake a loaf of bread, your favorite dish or a batch of cookies.

    Make your home your sanctuary. Fill it with things you love and want around you. Paint it and decorate with soothing colors that make you calm and happy. Keep the clutter out, especially your bedroom and living areas.

  4. Pamper yourself with little luxuries. Thick, fluffy towels, a beautiful blanket, scented soaps and candles will make you feel like you’re at a luxury spa. There is nothing more comforting than slipping into bed under freshly laundered sheets.

  5. Cut out the busy noise. Turn off the cell phone. If it rings constantly, pick a time during the day to turn it off for thirty minutes to an hour. Turn off the computers and televisions for at least an hour daily. In fact, limit your television viewing to one to 2 hours a day. The constant noise of every day only adds more stress.

  6. Enjoy Nature. Go to a park, river, lake or just sit outside and relax. Listen to the water, the birds, the wind, and all of nature’s glory. Clear your mind and let your body relax.

  7. Ask for help. If your day is too full, ask your kids, family or friends if they can help out in some way. Maybe the kids can clean their room or help load the dishwasher. Ask a friend or family member to care for your child while you do some work.

A great way to be more fulfilled is to be happier in every aspect of your life. My 30 -Days to Happiness challenge is the perfect way to begin changing how you look at life.

taking care of you and putting your needs first is something many moms haven’t done while raising their children. Now is the time to begin. You have the free time so why not use it for yourself?


Carol Owens

Carol Owens

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