5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Without Going into Overwhelm

Hello Empty Nester!

If you’re like me, and I know you probably are, you’ve been putting everyone’s needs first. You probably don’t think you have time or even deserve to take the time to take care of yourself. I know when I was taking care of my mom and had my adult son and his kids living with me, I would spend 99% of my time taking care of there needs. That other one percent just wasn’t enough time for my own needs.

And now that the house is empty, well I have way more time for me 😉 .

Did you know that putting yourself last is probably one the worst things you could do, not only for yourself but for others. Not taking care of yourself  can lead to all kinds of health and mental problems.

I know I was at a point not so long ago where I felt so run down I could barely get myself out of bed in the mornings. I was so busy taking care of my mom, my kids, my hubby, my home, my business, my dogs – well, everything and everyone else. My mindset suffered so bad I began to doubt myself on all kinds of levels. One of the things that helped me change was journaling. I began doing this each morning. I’ve continued to do this even with an empty nest.

I always thought that nurturing yourself meant taking a day at a spa or spending hours and lots of money on myself. It doesn’t mean that at all  (unless of course, you want to,  🙂 ) .

There are many ways to add a little self-care to your day that can make a big difference.

Here are 5 ways I’ve found that helps me recharge.

It’s important to recharge yourself, especially now when things are (hopefully) less hectic. I know I’m at a point in my life where I want to be at my best (healthy in mind and body) so I can take on all the fun adventures and challenges of this new phase.

Take 15 minutes Just for You 

– While you might associate being a better person with doing more for others, the truth is you need to take time for yourself in order to be that better person. If you are burned out and stressed (or sad), you won’t be any good to anyone. Taking just 15 minutes a throughout the day for yourself is not selfish; it gives you the opportunity to refresh your own well-being. For example take 5 minutes to mindfully put on your hand lotion in the morning. Instead of rushing to slather on your favorite lotion, slowly massage it into your hands, loving how it feels and being aware of how it makes you feel. Take another 5 or 10 minutes to relax, read or walk.

Create Daily ME Time

– Once you understand that taking time for yourself is a necessity, then it’s time to schedule it. Put it on your calendar, in your planner, or on a sticky note on your mirror. No one has to know you’ve set aside this time for yourself. It is important to keep your integrity to yourself when declaring your “me” time. Set aside some time daily. If you are like most, this may seem near impossible; but guess what? You can find 15- 30 minutes every day.


Be Dedicated to Your Personal Time

– If you don’t respect your personal time, no one else will. I’ve seen this first hand. There are days that everyone has demands on my time and I feel like I don’t even have time to drink my daily cup of tea or run a brush through my hair. Take your 15 minute meditation time in the morning or take a daily time out on the front stoop just listening to nature or your favorite song; read a spiritual book like the Book of Psalms which will take you a few mere moments every day.

Treat Yourself to Something Amazing ( be sure to continue it)!

You put in your time and worked hard to get to this phase of your life. Now is not the time to sit back and let life go on without you. stop at your favorite ice cream store for that dish of chocolate mint ice cream with whipped cream every so often (just not every day, ok? 😉 ), or begin planning those short weekend (or weekday) getaways you’ve always want to do. Maybe volunteer at something once a month that excites you.

Choose You 

– This stage of life is all about you (and your spouse). Don’t complain and whine about not having the kids around anymore. You can choose to be grumpy and irritable or you can choose to be grateful that you were given the chance to enjoy life and love. It’s your choice. Get a healthy mind and spirit by declaring out loud a few things you are grateful for. Use journal prompts if you need to . Then watch how this daily habit changes your day and your life. Do something just for you that gets your body healthy. Start an exercise program and move to a new level in an existing one. Take the time for a massage after the gym, since you no longer have to hurry home.

I know it’s difficult, and often you’ll feel guilty, to find the time to take care of you. But it’s necessary to your health.

So tell me, what keeps you from taking care of yourself? Is it that you’ve made a to-do list longer than your day because you’re trying to fill the space left from your kids? Is it a matter of thinking, “Why bother?” because you’re depressed?  Or are you like me and you feel guilty taking time for yourself after all this time of putting everyone else first?

Do yourself a favor, take a few minutes and do these exercises. I’ve started doing them and boy, do I feel different. See if they don’t help your mindset. Then come back here and  tell me. Join me on my Facebook page or Facebook group for great ideas on taking care of yourself during this phase of life.


Carol 🙂

Carol Owens

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