The Empty Nest Mom’s Guide to Finding Life’s Balance

Does it feel like your life is out of balance? I know when I first became an empty nest mom ( the first time around), I was at a loss. My life felt out of balance. I’d spend hours doing a task that had no meaning for me. I was doing it just to fill my days. Or I’d spend my day wandering my house, depressed and crying, looking for something to fill that time. Other days I was filled with joy as I completed tasks I’d been putting off for years.

I knew there had to be some way to find my life’s balance. My emotions were all over the place. My hubby didn’t know what mood I’d be in from one minute to the next.

When you’re life seems out of balance, it’s like a roller coaster ride. Some days are filled with joy and you’re ready to take on anything. It seems like a blessing that you raised strong, independent kids and now it’s your turn to shine.

Other days you run around not seeming to accomplish anything because your task list is overflowing and your heart is filled with sorrow and loneliness.

If you don’t find some sort of balance in your life, it can feel out of control and overwhelming. You can feel stressed, anxious, depressed, moody, well- just out of sorts and not like yourself.

Having some type of balance in your life helps you cope with the desperation you feel from having an empty nest. When your life is in balance you are happier and calmer. 

Happiness in life is about finding the balance within yourself. Click To Tweet

One thing you can do to find and maintain balance in your life is to “clean your house” by taking care of the things that are unfinished. I know when I have unfinished projects around the house and on my to do list, I feel more stressed and anxious.

That balance can mean wrapping up any loose ends  you’ve been avoiding for whatever reason. It can mean tackling those overflowing closets to get you organized and feeling less overwhelmed from clutter.

I’ve learned that if I can complete just one thing, even if its as simple as doing the dishes, I feel better. These unfinished tasks can be as straightforward as physically cleaning your house to something more mental such as finishing that sales report that you’ve been avoiding for weeks.

Do things that bring you joy.

Finding balance can mean discovering (and actually doing!) things that bring you joy.

  • Make it a point to spend time with your friends or reconnect with your spouse.
  • Make a list of the things that you enjoy doing and do at least one or two of them every week.
  • Do you love to garden? Then spend a little time every week planting, weeding, harvesting or just enjoying your garden.
  • I love to quilt and craft so I’ve learned to spend a few hours each weekend completely immersed in fabric, thread, glue and patterns.

Be aware of your appearance.

  • Take the time to dress so that you “feel good”.  When you feel good about your appearance, and combine it with good body language and positive self talk, you feel better about yourself.
  • Take time for you.
  • Being in balance means you take care of yourself.
  • Enjoy a leisurely bath with candles and a good book.
  • Listen to your favorite music, sing and dance if you feel like it.
  • Recharge your body with a day at the spa or weekend away.
  • If you want some accountability in allowing yourself to put your needs first, join me for my 5 Day Self-Care Kickstart email challenge.

Be self-aware.

Self-awareness is a continuous process of renewal that you should make a habit in your life.  This concept is based on the seventh habit of Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

One of the techniques that you use for reaching your balance goals should be the constant renewal of the physical, social/emotional, spiritual, and mental areas of your life so that you can achieve the balance that you need to be happy in all areas of your life.

Take care of the physical

Taking care of the physical balance in your life is important in maintaining all aspects of balance in your life. The three physical areas of your body that you need to focus on:

(1) endurance

(2) flexibility

(3) strength

Maintain a healthy diet. Get plenty of sleep. Exercise daily.

The physical also means your environment. Take care to maintain a clutter free home, work area and car. One of the benefits of being clutter free is you can find things much easier 😉 .


Get organized as best you can.

Set up your surroundings in a way that feels good to you.

One of the things I love to practice in my home is to practice Feng Shui. Here’s a good beginner’s article that can help you get started.

Take care of your mental health.

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. To find mental balance in your life:

(1) keep a daily diary of your thoughts and feelings. This is something I stared doing last year after the death of my mother. It has been both insightful and healing.

(2) read material that is educational and enlightening.

(3) limit the amount of media that you allow to reach you, such as television or the constant need (not) to be on social media

(4) think positive as much as possible.

(5) keep stress to a minimum. If you find you are stressed, learn ways to help reduece the stress and manage it. Download this free checklist to help you manage stress.

Happiness in life is about finding the delicate balance within yourself. It's about taking charge of your life and your own happiness. Click To Tweet

So take the time to find the balance in your life.

Hugs 🙂


What is your favorite way to create balance? I’d love to chat with you about it. Connect with me on my Facebook page or sign up for updates below.




Carol Owens

2 thoughts on “The Empty Nest Mom’s Guide to Finding Life’s Balance

  1. I’m in need of support with other moms who r lost but r able to help others find their purpose in life,a hard struggle these past 6 months

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